- Hungarian language updated - thx frodo19
- Fixed scrolling MPAA Rating label in LowList "show info" mode.
- Fixed "New" flag in Stripshow episode view.
- Fixed wrong fallback label in Song Info.
- "Episode" view had no watched/new toggle.
- When TV Show Logo are active icons in Landscape view, TV Show title is replaced with watchcount.
- Show "New" status option only enabled if recently added items are enabled.
- Added Polish language strings - thx biggiesmallz
- Wall view selectable again in videofiles section.
- Fixed no background in Music files mode.
- Fixed: missing dolby digital plus codec flag.
- Fixed: Linked tv show movies now show correct metadata in season and episode level.
- Updated audio flags.
- New aspect ratio flags.
- Updated Dutch languages strings - thx Machine-Sanctum
- Fixed: Uppercase labels with glyphs were forced lowercase (e.g. DJ TI�STO instead of DJ TI�STO)
- Playlist widget now shows instead of Recent/Random widgets when playing music on Home window. Widgets are still accessible.
- New InfoWall layout + added banner style for tv shows.
- Restored ClearART in pause osd.

- New seekbar.
- New LowList layout.
- New PseudoTV layout.
- Added watched overlay to Posters view.
- Scripts only run on startup if applicable.
- Recently added runs on exit videoscan and musicscan.
- Added trailer label to Random/Latest Poster widget and Latest Movie widget.
- Added option "Slim List" to favorites dialog.
- Added menu-item "Style" to Home window customizer screen to toggle main menu bar style.
- Removed classic/glass style options in Home Window options.
- Moved option "Wider Menu Items" to "Styles" menu in Home window customizer.
- Media Menu is now on the left side of the screen (navigation unchanged).
- Added support for extrafanart in videolibrary (place in root of movie or tv show folder in folder called "extrafanart")
- Added color selector for the showcase spot.
- Added color selector for the glowbar and classic/glass home (see shutdown menu in Home window).
- Disabling PosterSlide now enables Multiplex layout.
- Added theme Lite_Floor.
- Stopped spamming debug log with messages about cinema experience and apple movie trailers.
- Added fallback images for TV Shows, Movies and Music. To customize copy your image in the backgrounds folder and rename it to fallback_music.jpg, fallback_movies.jpg or fallback_tvshows.jpg
- InfoList is now available for add-on views.
- Removed CDArt and Covers from small now playing widget.
- Added viewtype Stripshow for Pictures/Movies/Episodes.
- Added Dutch language - thx Machine-Sanctum
- Updated Hungarian language - thx frodo19
- Updated French language - thx Rififi77
- Added support for random movie script (if installed there is a new sub menu item "Random" under Movies)
- Added option "BannerList" to InfoList view for TV Shows.

- Fixed Networksetup.
- Fixed numeric dialog pop up when enering master lock settings.
- Added Russian language string - thx Heckfy
- Added Hungarian language string - thx frodo19

- Fixed: episode label not visible when the infopanel is deactivated on TV Show level.
- Added dts 6.1 and dd 6.1 flags in info view

- Added option to show episode thumb in Landscape view.
- Fixed logo in LowList seasons view.
- Fixed "Get Tunes" label.
- Removed OSD settings from General settings menu (all are available in "Misc options" in Music OSD).
- Added fullscreen video for the setting windows.
- Renamed Background customizer to Home window customizer and added options to toggle main menu and timepanel/rss/totals.
- Fanart now scales instead of stretches.

- Added TV Show title to Infopanel.
- Changed episode number to label in InfoWall.
- Added background toggle to InfoWall and Episode views.

- Added view "Carousel".
- Added CDArt en Artist logo to LowList.
- Fixed: cut off label with more than 99 episodes in list view (seasons).
- Added option to enable animated backgrounds only on home window.
- Added missing default buttons in pictures section.
- Added "Manual add to library" button to musiclibrary.
- Added missing default buttons to musicfiles section.
- Unified all select and settings dialogs.
- Fixed special characters not uppercase on home menu.
- Removed animation on playing video in Showcase/Landscape views (caused crashes on some lower-end systems).
- Added support for extrafanart/clearlogos in musiclibrary. Use new skin setting "Path to Music library" in conjuncture with the same setting in cdART manager.
- Skinned CU Lyrics script (code used from Aeon65).
- Music Visualization from Aeon65 now uses Classic Menu font.

- Watched / New overlay toggles no longer requires reload skin.

- "Submenu of movies uses Cinema Experience Script as default" can only be enabled if the cse script is installed.

- Volume dialog no longer shows volume when passthrough is active.

- Added weather submenu with all home window options for the weather widget.
- Added wraplist for DialogVideoInfo, DialogAlbumInfo and SongInfo.
- FileBrowser: removed obsolete labels, added controls 412 and 416.
- New Select dialog.
- New Favorites dialog.

- Changed default layout of high LowList to show only plot/year/runtime. ("Show Info" option added).
- Added Music and Movies genre fanart and icons:
  To activate drop the icons and fanart in the corresponding folders in skin.aeon.nox/extras/genre
  All files are expected to have .jpg extension.

- Weather widget now shows weather plus info if it's the current weather addon.
- Increased font size for plot in VideoInfo.
- Increased font size for plot in recent/random widget.
- Increased font size for plot/album/artist/add-on description in InfoWall

- Seperate Infopanel visibility for tvshows and episodes.

- Added invisible OK button - You can now press OK and/or ESC to exit OK dialog.
- Added invisible Cancel button - You can now press OK and/or ESC to exit progress dialog.
- Synchronize weather labels on home widget.
- Fixed overlapping infolabels in LowList.

- Added weather widget (press up on weather menu when menu is locked in normal position to switch high/low position)
- Added option to show video fanart in Music visualization.
- Added option to show timepanel in Music visualization.

- Fixed thumbs not showing in list view.
- Fixed invisible now playing screen in list view.
- Fixed navigation issues with Random/Latest Posters Widget

- Fixed Playlist widget visibility.
- Fixed: Custom startup focus runs every time the home window is activated if recently added items is disabled.
- Restored Trailer button in movies submenu (only visible if Apple Trailer Lite add-on is installed)
- Changed: Cinema button in movies submenu is only visible if the cinema script add-on is installed.
- Changed: TvTunes option only enabled when TvTunes add-on is installed.
- Added option to hide system and play disc menu items.
- Fixed: PlayerControls could be visible in fullscreen video.
- Added PseudoTV integration.
- Redesigned List view.
- Changed default icons to original Aeon icons (changed color of icons + added some for new categories).
- Fixed label2 in slim InfoList.
- Redesigned breadcrumbs section.
- "Flatten" button only visible in videolibrary.
- Added "Recommended settings" option. This will set all options to how I think Aeon Nox looks and works best.
  All custom shortcuts, paths, backgrounds and the settings for wider menu items, animated icons and disable/enable viewtypes and menu items remain intact.
- Added new theme "White".
- Fixed bug where labels are not visible when first activating the skin.
- Redesigned Panel view.

- Fixed season fanart in info screen on season level.
- Updated fonts and added new fontset "Light".
- Added igotdvds TV Guide.
- Added skin settings dialog in music OSD. 
- Fixed bookmarks.
- Redesigned Playercontrols.
- Improved Advanced Launcher support.
- Updated animations and textures.
- Redesigned List view.
- Changed Neon65 theme.
- Fixed Label2 in List view.
- Fixed visibility of labels in the seekbar.
- Added Fullscreen Info toggle (press "Select" when info is shown on fullscreen video)
- Updated French language strings - thx Rififi77
- Fixed playlist visibility
- Added warning to "Enable Background Effect" setting (Can increase CPU usage)

- Fixed "new" flag for small movie wall.
- Fixed TvTunes support.
- Changed "Streaming.." label to infinity symbol.
- Fixed overlapping progressbar in default Home OSD.
- Fixed overlapping music title with playlist in Home Now Playing widget.
- Fixed: Playlist widget now visible when random/latest widgets are deactivated.
- Fixed wrong fanartcode for current conditions (only effected animated icons)
- Fixed DialogFileStacking.xml
- Fixed missing Stack button for videofiles.
- Fixed fast scrolling of plot in video info screen.
- Fixed Last.FM buttons in music OSD.
- Lyrics and Subtitle buttons now ask for input if no add-on is selected.
- Music button no longer opens library by default. Option added in General settings.
- Fixed "unsupported control type 3" error.

- Videwindow for Lowlist is back to old one.
- Flag fixes.
- Chapter label fix.
- Added tv logo to now playing widget.
- Music menu item defaults to Albums, added root entry to sub-menu.
- Fixed overlapping videowindow when poster widget has focus.
- Added MusicVideos to dialogvideoinfo.
- Fixed Subtitle Service selector overlapping movie poster.
- Fixed additional addon settings opening underneath settings dialog.
- Fixed status in Addon InfoWall, now showing download progress.
- Added CINEMA submenu button.
- Added LowList to musicfiles.
- Fixed gradient on classic home + added gradient to other versions

- Added viewtype Episode, all credits to the creators of Alaska.
- Added option for InfoWall to show square icons in advanced launcher.
- Added option for InfoWall to show landscape fot TVShows.
- Home OSD now follows theme.
- Info in Recent Added episodes now pulls poster.jpg.
- Added videowindow to more views.
- TV Schedule is now clickable - navigates to respective tvshow in library.

- fixed seek labels
- Added mono and dts20 for videoinfo.
- Spanish strings update - thx paendorz
- Added scrollbar to BigFan view.
- fixed showcase spot showing up in infolist.
- fixed overlapping episode numbers in infolist.
- fixed overlapping flags.
- fixed background infowall in programs.
- removed end and current time prefixes in DialogSeekBar.xml and switched pos with duration
- Cinema button is always visible when the script is installed.
- Reworked DialogVideoInfo for TV Shows and Episodes.
- Updated studio logo's - thx Shinu.

- Added option for 6 custom favorites in main menu.
- Added labels for special episodes.
- Added TV-Y and TV-Y7 flags.
- Added support for animated weather icons. See first post on forum how to activate.
- Several fixes.

- Added trailer label for BigFan view (breadcrumbs only)

- Added Viewtype BigFan for Movies and TVShows.
- Several fixes and optimizations.

- Reworked LowList view.
- Reworked TV Schedule.
- Wall background is more transparent.
- Added support for folder.jpg for movie info.

- Added new layout for Infopanels: 4 Thumbs - thx Shinu for the graphics.
- Fixed trailer label positions.
- Added option to disable trailer label.
- Added optional CDArt in Songs list view.
- Changed episode InfoWall.
- Added option for wider main menu labels (activate in home window options).
- Integrated fixed from paendorz - thx.

- Added InfoWall for Episodes/TV Shows/Advanced Launcher
- Added Cases to InfoWall
- Changed: New Status is now only for items that are in recent added list from script.
- Added: Watched overlay can now be turned off.
- Added: Fanart Image for Advanced Launcher.
- Added: Second label for Advanced Launcher in showcase views.
- A lot of bugfixes.

- Fixed Info only visible when player is paused

- Fixed breadcrumbs color

- Changed Wall background.
- Added InfoWall for movies.
- Added option to show info when videoplayer is paused (enable in genereal settings).
- Added InfoWall for Artists.
- Fixes

- Fixed layout label showing in episodes and tvshows view.
- Disabled Landscape view for seasons.
- Changed Wall background
- Changed name: AddonWall=InfoWall
- Added Album labels for InfoWall.
- RSS background now shows when RSS is disabled and Poster widget has focus.

- Added: Infopanel layout is now seperately customizable for Landscape, DVD Case and Showcase view (movies only).
- Added: Category nodes added to breadcrumbs in movies.
- Fixed: Logo script now downloads landscape.jpg instead of folder.jpg if run through VideoInfo.
- Added: poster.jpg and banner.jpg can now be individually downloaded through script in VideoInfo.
- Added: Fallback to custom music backgrounds in Music Visualization.
- Added: Videowindow in Posters view.
- Added: Fixed list optional in Posters view (enable in media menu).
- Added: AddonWall viewtype.
- Added: Option to play trailers in Fullscreen or Windowed (enable in Viewtype options).
- Changed: Trailer label moved to breadcrumbs section.
- Changed: All dialogs are effected by the smaller dialogs setting.
- Added: French language file - thx Rififi77
- Added: Spanish language file - thx PatOso
- more tweaks & fixes.

- Fixed navigation issue in Weather +.
- Fixed Navigation in Media Menu.
- Added label to clarify what to do when infopanel labels are missing.
- Added support for backgrounds based on current weather condition:
  In System-->Skin-->General enable option and set path to folder with weather backdrops (not included).
- Fixed animations of Settings windows.

- Added: Weather + Support

- Added: Right navigation in Random/Recent items script runs the respective script.
- Added: Poster viewtype.
- Fixed: Low List posters.
- Added aac to videoinfo.
- Bugfixes.

- fixed false end time.

- Added: Music Visualization from Aeon65 - credits to creators of Aeon65.
- Added: Bacground effect on Panels - credits to creators of Aeon65.
- Added: Animated Backgrounds option.
- Changed: Home Now Playing Widget recreated to how it was in Aeon Auriga.
- Changed: Extra Info/Genre and No Flow option are now seperate for movies and tvshows.
- Added: Default TV series case and Movies sets case - thx kealan.
- Added: Breadcrumbs (enable in general settings, diable timepanel to enable option).
- Added: Theme "Neon65" - credits to creators of Aeon65.
- Added: Support for poster.jpg and seasonthumbs in DialogVideoInfo.xml.
- Added: Landscape view to affected views in the wrap/fixed toggle.
- Added: RSS feed, Timepanel and Library stats are now detachable from main menu (enable in Home Window options)
- Fixed: Skinned ProfileSettings.xml, LockSettings.xml and LoginScreen.xml.
- Bug fixes.

- Added: Panel view for movies.
- Added: Aeon65 font for classic home menu -  all credits to phil65 for finding this font.
- Added: Optional Wrap/Fixed list for showcase views (set in viewtype options).
- Added: Fallback fanart in Showcase views.
- Reworked panel view and settings screens.
- Bug fixes

- Fixed missing Info List

- Fixed missing audiocodecs in fullscreen info

- Added: Infopanel in showcase views for music.
- Added: Blu-ray/DVD Cases (check option in DVD Cases view, or Low List view).
- Added: Favorites to Submenu of Music, TV and Movies.
- Added: Infopanel transparency toggle.
- Added: Option for classic home menu bar or glass menu bar - thx kealan.
- Changed: Trailer label in Low List is now the second label of the focused item.
- Changed: Audioflags; If there are missing flags, copy the missing logo to flags/audio and name it like how it's called in the XBMC database).
- Several fixes.

- Added: Season Fanart.
- Improved time of opening videolibrary.
- Improved overall performance of videolibrary.

- Added: BannerPlex view.
- Removed: Banners view.
- Added: "New" overlay instead of watched (optional, available in Landscape, BannerPlex, BannerWall and Showcase views).
- Changed: Recent added script now fetches songs instead of albums.
- Fixed: Posters not showing up in movie view when poster instead of banners is disabled.
- Fixed: Overlapping watched icon in lowlist season view.
- Added: Choose Trailer button or Trailer Label in Low List view.
- Removed: Randomitems alarm at startup.
- Added: Option to make submenu of movies enter library with cinema script enabled (General Settings).
- Added: CDArt in Home window is now optional.

- Added: BannerWall view.
- Added: Panel view.
- Added: Viewtypes of Video Library can now be disabled (Goes for whole library, not seperate movies/tvshows!).
- Added: TV Logo script now adds banner.jpg and landscape.jpg (folder.jpg can be removed, re-run the logo script!)
- Added: Banner.jpg and Poster.jpg support (automatic if you enable/disable "Posters instead of Banners" option).
- Reworked Poster Widget.
- Scan dialogs are now smaller on Homescreen.
- Fixed: Showcase view now shows icons correctly.
- Fixed(?): Showcase view no longer shows duplicate items - Thx Hitcher.
- Fixed: Addons now show square showcase and square wall view when entered through videolibrary/files.
- Fixed: Focus animation in Landscape view when there are < 3 items in folder.

- Added: UK and Germany ratings throughout skin.
- Added: Custom Favourites to Main Menu.
- Added: Custom Focus Offset Main Menu.
- Added: Random/Latest Movie Poster Widget.
- Added: Choice to show random or latest added widget for music, movies and episodes.
- Added: Flags in InfoList are now optional.
- Added: TV Logo as listitem in Landscape view.
- Added: Infopanel can now be hidden in Landscape view.
- Fixed: Animations of scan dialogs.
- Fixed: Media Menu navigation now finally works as it should.
- Fixed: Backgrouns of videoplaylists are now seperate.

- Fixed Bannerview navigation to mediamenu.
- Added: Tv Next Aired in Showcase and Landscape view (tvshows).
- Fullscreen Info screen has cleaner look (movies).
- lowered posters in LowList view.
- Added option to darken fanart in showcase/landscape view (infopanel must be enabled).
- Added web-dl icon to sourceflags.
- Numerous fixes.

- Added: It is now possible to add 3 video playlists to the Home menu.
- Added: Kiosk and Alternative Kiosk Mode - thx Ubuntuf4n
- Added: Extrathumbs support in Showcase views.
- Added: Not Rated flag throughtout skin - thx Danofun
- Added: Source flags instead of codec flags option (fallback to codec).
- Added: Time-out for Auto Hide Infopanel is now adjustable (set in Viewtype options).
- Rearranged Skin Settings.
- Shutdown warning is now optional.
- Switched to transparent icons.
- Switched to Aeon's scrollbar in List view.
- Fixed: Scrollbar navigation in Wall view.
- Several fixes.

- Added: TV Show logo download button in Info screen for tvshows.
- Added: TvTunes support.
- Added: Aeon's Flow/No Flow animation in Showcase views.
- Added: It is now possible to add 3 video playlists to submenu of Movies.
- Added: It is now possible to add 3 video playlists to submenu of TV Shows.
- Added: It is now possible to add 3 music playlists to submenu of Music.
- Added: Video Playlists sub-menu item to Videos menu.
- Added: TV Show logo to Landscape view
- Added: Not Rated flag in VideoInfo / Party mode sub-menu item to Music menu- thx Danofun.
- Fixed: Infopanel visibility when exiting episode or seasons view.
- Repositioned Mediamenu.
- Several fixes and optimizations.

- Added: When Infopanel is disabled in showcase views, trigger is now automatically active. 
  Push up to trigger the panel, you can then scroll left and right with panel on and push down to disable panel.
- Added: Info screen is now added to Low List view (only movies and episodes). Push right to trigger the info. 
  Push up or down to scroll through the list with info on.
- Added extrathumbs support in Low List info view.
- Low List is now selectable in tvshows and seasons view.
- Low List is now selectable in songs view.
- Changed seaon and tvshow thumb to episode thumb in Low List episode view
- Added filename to DialogVideoInfo.xml
- Localized all labels
- Some minor fixes

- Skinned SmartPlaylistEditor.xml and SmartPlaylistRule.xml
- changed background of network setup
- changed position of pop-up dialog when lower menu is active.
- Added playlist option to Now Playing Home
- Added option for 10 tracks in home playlist.
- Changed Now Playing Home Position 
- Recently Added Widget still visible when music is playing.
- fixed lyrics button navigation
- Removed CU lyrics xml's
- Added new viewtype for episodes
- Added option to enable/disable timepanel in all views.
- Added warning before shutdown from main menu.
- Added Low List View (only movies and episodes for now)
- fixed position of focused label in DialogSelect.xml
- fixed Get thumb and get fanart buttons in Album and Song Info

- fixed landscape view info panel

- lined up Now playing info in home screen with lowe main menu - thx Dascmo
- skinned DialogNetworkSetup.xml
- skinned rss editor script.
- fixed some inconsistencies.
- changed movie info
- Moved Fewer Flags option to Skin settings
- Added auto hide option for infopanel

- fixed: certain options not accessable
- added slim list option
- added watched indicators in wall view

- added shutdown function to shutdown menu
- removed Small Fanart option left over from Confluence
- added option to hide infopanel in tvshows view ShowcaseDVD
- removed Hide INFO option left over from Confluence in Bannerview
- cleaned up code added CDart as option removed trailer window option fixed fanart in MusicVisualisation.xml
- fixed spinex in osd settings
- fixed scrollbar landscape view
- changed visibility when watching video/visualization/slideshow
- added option for music fanart in home window
- fixed search result cast in DialogVideoInfo.xml
- added option to disable coverflow posters
- added option to disable coverflow albums


- Beta version.


- Alpha version, removed all Confluence graphics and fonts.