v2.2.2 - Fix when JSON query for movie details return no result v2.2.1 - Fix when smart playlist name is not set - Fix when property is not defined (ie no studio for a movie) v2.2.0 - Fix for Gotham special:// paths v2.1.9 - Add %s.d.Premiered for episodes v2.1.8 - Use json instead of simplejson for python 2.7 and up. v2.1.7 - Add properties for Music Videos playlist, see README.txt v2.1.6 - Add %s.Loaded property to indicate the script is done loading the playlist - Fix %s.Name property to get smart playlist name (crash when no name was set up or containing accented characters) v2.1.5 - Add %s.%d.Watched property for episodes or TV shows v2.1.4 - Add %s.%d.Runtime property for episodes or TV shows - Add new method 'Playlist' which keeps the playlist order v2.1.3 - Add %s.Name property for the playlist name v2.1.2 - Fix script error on tvshow playlist - Also set MPAA and studio for episodes in some cases v2.1.1 - Fix runtime property to use duration from streamdetails - Fix play property for albums - Add art(thumb) for movies (same value as art(poster) but easiest for skinner to deal with albums and movies smart playlists) v2.1.0 - Fix issue when album have no songs - Fix resolution when movie or TV show is not anaylized yet (not height and weight in DB) v2.0.9 - Fix quoted or not quoted path for smart playlist - Add Theme, Mood, Style and Type properties for Music - Remove Thumb and Fanart properties for Music (depricated and replaced by Art(thumb) and Art(fanart) properties) v2.0.8 - Add MPAA and Studio properties for TV Shows v2.0.7 - Add MPAA and Director properties for movies v2.0.6 - Add OriginalTitle property for movies v2.0.5 - Fix statistics for Albums smart playlists v2.0.4 - Add Country property for Movies - Add DBID property for Movies and Episodes - Restart or resume partially watched movies or episodes v2.0.3 - Fix missing id error v2.0.2 - Try to fix missing dateadded sort key - add missing urllib imprt v2.0.1 - Updated to Frodo compatible code v1.2.5 - [Add] New properties TVShowThumb and TVShowFanart to get TV Show thumbnail and fanart of the episode v1.2.4 - [Fix] Albums properties were not cleared properly - [Add] New property AlbumDesc v1.2.3 - [Fix] Episode title is now based on title and not on label because of some JSON changes : http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=113702&pid=1047340&highlight=episodetitle#pid1049580 v1.2.2 - [Fix] Statistic for songs was wrong on library or albums playlist v1.2.1 - [Add] The script now manage Music (playlists or library). See README.txt or LISEZMOI.txt for details. v1.2.0 - [Add] Property .Type is returned. Value is Movie or Episode. Helpfull if you use script with playlist and did not specifie type= parameter so script will get type from playlist. v1.1.9 - [Fix] If video has no stream details, resolution is set to blank v1.1.8 - [Add] New property Resolution for Movies. Values are blank, 480, 540, 576, 720, 1080 v1.1.7 - [Fix] When type= was not set with playlist, properties name was unwellformed v1.1.6 - [Add] If playlist= is set and type= is not seet then playlist type is read from playlist file v1.1.5 - [Add] Properties are cleared only if needed to avoid blinking effect in widgets v1.1.4 - [Fix] Properties were not cleaned between two call v1.1.3 - [Fix] resume= and watched= were inefficient with playlists - [Add] Propertie TvShows set to number of TV Shows in library or playlist v1.1.2 - [Fix] Season number printed in 2 digit only if needed - [Fix] Properties Count, Watched and Unwatched = 0 if playlist or library is empty v1.1.1 - [Add] Script can manage tv shows and episodes playlist - [Add] Propertie Rootpath to get the directory of the movie or the tvshow (to display extrafanarts and so on) v1.1.0 - [Fix] resume= is unable but can slow down the script (see README.txt or LISEZMOI.txt) - [Add] You can now get last added or random episodes from series (work only on Library not on Playlist) v1.0.6 - [Fix] Handle exception when playlist is empty or fetching information failed - resume= parameter is disable because of a bug in method GetDirectory of JSONRPC API v1.0.5 - [Add] Playlist<method>Movie<menu>.Unwatched return the number of unwatched movies in the library/playlist - [Add] Playlist<method>Movie<menu>.Watched return the number of watched movies in the library/playlist v1.0.4 - [Fix] Scanning movies of movie set always scan same set (constant instead af variable in the code). - [Add] Playlist<method>Movie<menu>.Count now return the number of movies in the library/playlist v1.0.3 - [Fix] Trailer is now provide properly v1.0.2 - [Fix] Last added movies really return last added movies. Movies in set are handle properly. - [Added] New options UNWATCHED True : Display only unwatched movies False : Display watched and unwatched movies RESUME True : Display only movie partially watched movie False : Display all movies v1.0.1 - Use Files.GetDirectory instead of parsing XML playlist to retrieve movies v1.0.0 - from v3.0.7 of RandomItems script, add playlist filters