googleImages Changelog

Current Version : 0.9.8

*** 0.9.8 ***

Now sorts page images by best match in URL
History no longer saves duplicate queries
Converted strings.xml to strings.po

*** 0.9.7 ***

Fix for changes from google
Updated addon.xml python import
Added license, forum and source tags to addon.xml

*** 0.9.6 ***

Fix for encoding errors
Remove actual simplejson import statement

*** 0.9.5 ***

Removed simplejson dependency
Added Beutifulsoup dependency

*** 0.9.4 ***

Moved from deprecated Google API to scraping method
Added keyword highlighting
Added pagination

*** 0.9.3 ***

Fix for bug with default save path
Improved handling of some search errors

*** 0.9.2 ***

Changes for Eden

*** 0.9.1 ***

Small changes for dev in Eclipse
Changes for Boxee compatability

*** 0.9.0 ***

Initial release